Dizzy-2.jpg - largeDizziness & Balance Disorders

In 2013, Physiocare Blacktown is introducing a new service for patients suffering dizziness, vertigo or balance problems.


“Dizziness” is a term used to describe everything from feeling faint and light-headed to feeling unsteady or weak. Dizziness that gives you the sense that your surroundings are spinning or moving is called “vertigo”.


Below is a common list of symptoms associated with dizziness and vertigo:

  • Sense that your surroundings are spinning or moving
  • Loss of balance and falling
  • Nausea
  • Light headedness
  • Unsteadiness/stumbling
  • Difficulty focussing your vision especially after quick head movements
  • Weakness


The above symptoms if left untreated can lead to other problems such as loss of confidence, work absenteeism, depression and anxiety.


Physiocare Blacktown can diagnose and treat some disorders that may produce these symptoms. Physiocare will work closely with your GP and specialist to improve your symptoms and more importantly, your quality of life!


Common Vestibular Disorders that can cause dizziness:

  • Vestibular Neuronitis (A Viral infection of the nerve of the inner ear)
  • Acoustic Neuroma (A Benign tumour which grows along the course of the vestibular nerve)
  • Meniere’s Disease – a disorder which involves the build up of fluid in the inner ear
  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) – a disorder caused by debris freely floating in the fluid of the inner ear)
  • Stroke – interference with the blood supply to the inner ear and vestibular areas within the brain
  • Trauma – significant falls, motor vehicle accidents
  • Labyrinthitis – acute inflammation of the labyrinth including the vestibular and cochlear system
  • Vestibular Migraine – Migraine headaches can cause patients to be very sensitive to motion, such as turning your head quickly, being in a crowded or confusing place, driving/riding in a vehicle.


Treatment options

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

Treatment of BPPV is with Canalith repositioning, a simple procedure that involves manoeuvring

the position of your head. The aim is to move loosened debris floating in the semi-circular canals of your inner ear to another place where they do not cause dizziness and will be re-absorbed. Fortunately, success rate may be as high as 90%.


Vestibular Rehabilitation

When the vestibular mechanism is damaged with injury or disease, the brain can no longer rely on them for accurate information about equilibrium and motion. This results in dizziness, vertigo, balance problems etc.


The goal of vestibular rehabilitation is to RE-TRAIN the brain to recognise and process signals from the vestibular system in co-ordination with vision and body movements. This often involves

desensitizing the balance system to movements that provoke symptoms.


Physiocare Blacktown Dizziness and Balance Clinic will perform a thorough evaluation including observing posture, balance, movement and compensatory strategies. Based on the evaluation, an individualized treatment plan is created combining specific head and body movements with eye exercises. Treatment also usually includes activities and exercises to improve strength and coordination.